Monday, January 24, 2011

Still sick, still have a fever. I took Tylenol again today at 1pm, it brought down the fever to about 99 so I could finally take a nap! Until then, whenever I put my head on the pillow, the pillow got so hot that I felt like my head was on fire. When the Tylenol started to wear off at dinner time, it went up to 100 so I took more. I read online that once you get above 101/102 you can damage an embryo in the first trimester. I hope the benefits outweigh the risks when it comes to using Tylenol for a fever during pregnancy (I know a nurse who says she wouldn't give her kids Tylenol if they were on their death beds). The cough is productive at least! Honey is making a great cough syrup.

1 comment:

  1. I am sending good thoughts and vibes your way! I hope your fever doesn't get over 100, and I'm sure the benefits of taking Tylenol outweigh the risks :). Did you ask Wanda about it?
