Thursday, July 21, 2011

35 weeks

From the front, you can see what position he has pretty much settled in... head down, with his big butt on my left (I feel all the kicks on the upper right). According to, this is an optimal position... so hooray!

I know my shorts are ridiculous, but there are about three things in the world that still fit me and that's one of them. And those don't really fit me either.

35 weeks
35 weeks

I made two ring slings, one black flannel for winter and one green cotton for summer. They are a little less wide than the internet said to make them, and a little bit shorter too... so I hope they work alright. I followed the instructions on the sleeping baby page to make the pleated shoulder.

I made another ring sling!
I made a ring sling!

I also made a changing table pad. It has waterproof PUL on one side and yellow flannel for soft padding on the other side. The rectangle at the top is sort of like extra padding for a pillow, and it also serves as a pouch that the whole thing can roll up into.

changing table pad

1 comment:

  1. your belly is so humongous, I can't believe it! Where will he go if he keeps getting bigger?! I'm so sad that I won't be there to see him after he's born! You're in the home stretch now....exciting!
