Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Poo and progress

My poor baby was up EVERY HOUR last night, crying, writhing, pooping and crying, peeing while pooping blood.... I really hope we can get in to see an allergist soon. He has his regular checkup on Thursday... I'm scared to get him vaxed because I don't want to overwhelm his little immune system. But I have to give him at least DTAP, this area is crawling with whooping cough because of all the anti-vaxers.

Night before last night was his first night in his "own bed" (adjacent mattress)... we both slept REALLY well. He only woke up 3 times. That was the best sleep I got since he was born. I've been using the No-Cry Nap Solution to work on fixing his anti-naps. Slow but steady progress.

I always have nightmares about the brakes not working while I'm driving.

1 comment:

  1. ME TOO!!! (Re: dreams about the brakes not working.) I regularly have dreams where I'm driving and no matter how hard I hit the brake, the car won't slow down. I always miraculously manage not to hit anything, though. And there have been a couple of times when I realized I was dreaming, and was able to lucid dream a bit.
