Friday, August 3, 2012

Almost 12 months!

We had a great day yesterday. We went to the art museum in Raleigh... Luca loved it! He rode in the Ergo and pointed at everything, wanting us to explain everything happening in every painting.
nursing at art museum

 Then we went to Pullen Park, for the first time.

  pullen park

 We bought a wood burning stove for our house, from a person who had a craigslist ad up. Only $120!

 Then we ate indian food... I found the place with a quick google and a brief overview of reviews. It was great, and turned out to have "Indy Best of the Triangle" stickers in the window. Luca sat in his high chair and ate some off of his own plate, and was so quiet. He didn't cry in the car, either.

 This is Luca getting stuck in his potty chair. He kept doing this, over and over. And then throwing a tantrum. He's such a toddler now.
  1 2 3


  1. The Kabob Curry House on Guess Road is really really yummy! Very unassuming from the'd never guess how delicious their food actually is!

  2. Hmmm never heard of it! I will check it out.
