Tuesday, July 26, 2011

36 weeks

Home visit from the midwives is next week! I spent this week getting together the birth kit and generally nesting (washing things for the umpteenth time, making my husband rearrange furniture, last minute sewing projects). I bought some soap nuts and have been doing my laundry with them... it seems too good to be true, but they really work. It's cheap, easy, and it's 100% safe for your family and the environment (and cloth diapers!!). I highly recommend them.

I finally broke down and bought one of those big body pillows.... I was at Target today, buying supplies for the birth, and they had a big long pillow for only $10. I took the LONGEST NAP EVER today with that thing. Lesson learned!! Pregnancy + big pillows = SLEEP. Of course, it's 1:30 in the morning now and I'm wide awake :)

Changes in the last couple weeks have been numerous... in the second half of the day, I basically have BH contactions one after another! It's starting to feel a bit uncomfortable when it happens; it's not painful, just tight in my back and tummy. My feet hurt like I've been walking for miles, even though I stand only about ten minutes at a time. When I get up to pee at night, I feel like an old lady in my hips! It seems like my legs are slightly out of their sockets as my hips widen out. I feel really large in general. At this point, Lucca is always up on my liver, so there is no stopping that pain anymore. It hurts about 90% of the time, and 30% of the time it's excruciating. I just hope it's not distracting during birth (maybe he will drop down and move away from it?).

Last night I woke up with a yell because he punched me in the cervix! I didn't even know babies could do that in there. It's weird to have such intense feelings in organs which I was previously unaware of.

Boy am I tired of peeing. I think I pee every ten minutes now.

It's weird to feel so healthy while feeling so crappy! I feel like a really well oiled machine carrying a load that's just too heavy. I've never eaten better in my whole life. I feel vibrant but... exhausted. I got the OK from my midwife to stop taking my prenatal vitamin, since I'm eating so well and supplementing with iron, vitamin B12, dandelion/raspberry tea and bone broth every day. Stupid prenatal was the only thing keeping me from staying regular!

I have been trying to do more reading on elimination communication, since I've mostly been hoarding cloth diapers and I don't want to forget about it! This website has some great stories and photos from one family.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

35 weeks

From the front, you can see what position he has pretty much settled in... head down, with his big butt on my left (I feel all the kicks on the upper right). According to spinningbabies.com, this is an optimal position... so hooray!

I know my shorts are ridiculous, but there are about three things in the world that still fit me and that's one of them. And those don't really fit me either.

35 weeks
35 weeks

I made two ring slings, one black flannel for winter and one green cotton for summer. They are a little less wide than the internet said to make them, and a little bit shorter too... so I hope they work alright. I followed the instructions on the sleeping baby page to make the pleated shoulder.

I made another ring sling!
I made a ring sling!

I also made a changing table pad. It has waterproof PUL on one side and yellow flannel for soft padding on the other side. The rectangle at the top is sort of like extra padding for a pillow, and it also serves as a pouch that the whole thing can roll up into.

changing table pad

Monday, July 18, 2011

Getting close now...

I will be 35 weeks this Wednesday. HOLY COW. I weigh 155, pretty much the same as my husband now.

33 weeks

The beach last week was lovely. We stayed in an area of the Outer Banks with a private beach (Southern Shores) so everything was clean, uncrowded, and quiet. Live and learn though- that island is almost completely void of heathy food. Their "gourmet" markets are pathetic! Just a couple choices of overpriced brand name "natural" stuff that isn't even organic. There was exactly ONE place to get fresh whole grain bread, but it was $5 per loaf. I had to get some sad looking organic produce from Harris Teeter. Lame. I'm so glad we brought nice beef/sausage/chicken from Whole Foods from home! And I also baked a loaf of my own bread to bring, and brought local honey/peanut butter. SO I didn't starve, but I did eat a whole lot more junk food than I wanted to, which only upset me because I'm trying to give Lucca 100% the best of everything, I don't really care about indulging on vacation for myself. I tried to eat ice cream out one night... it gave me a MASSIVE headache almost instantly! So I guess I have properly detoxed myself from my former sugar addiction.

I did a lot of napping, a lot of walking, and a lot of sunbathing (no burning!!) so Lucca did a lot of growing. My liver pain came back. :( Still working on that one.. but at this point, his little butt and feet are always all up on it, so I'm not sure how it can stop hurting completely.

obx 2011

obx 2011

obx 2011

I have been craving sun gold tomatoes all year, and they finally came in our garden!!

sun golds!

I can't wait to take Lucca to the Eno Festival next year! So much to explore.

eno festival 2011

eno festival 2011

eno festival 2011

eno festival 2011

eno festival 2011

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Some pictures

I got a really great train and a little car at the Eno festival.... these were the best priced wooden toys I have found so far, so I got this big huge train for Lucca. I like that it has toddler activities built in!

wooden train

Sometimes our cat will attack the dog over and over and the only way to stop him is to cover his face somehow. Bags work, towels work too.


Here is a photo from a potluck we went to for the home birth practice we are using. The four midwives are front and center... pink dress, blue dress, green shirt, and holding toddler.

Carrboro MIdwifery

Saturday, July 2, 2011


On the radio today, they said Louis Armstrong (born August 4th) always wanted people to celebrate him on July 4th instead. I can't think of a more American family tradition to start than listening to Louis all day on the 4th each year!!

Tomorrow is my birthday! I will be 23. I am volunteering at the Eno River Festival all morning and then finding a nice shady spot on a blanket the rest of the day. There is a booth there every year that sells wonderful handmade wooden children's toys... and of course Parlez Vous Crepes will be there!

Quinten made cinnamon rolls because I didn't want a cake (cake is sort of the not-as-tasty version of... all other desserts):

birthday cinnamon rolls

birthday cinnamon rolls

My kitty very, very carefully climbed up onto my belly to snuggle me.

kitty love

I forgot that Ash took a picture while I was on the acupuncture table: