Thursday, January 31, 2013



When I was pregnant, I did a lot of research into fun stuff to do at home with toddlers. Especially Montessori-inspired activities, that help small people do what big people are doing.

Well, after a very long time of waiting, Luca is old enough to start doing BIG BOY STUFF!! Here he is helping daddy make dinner.

chopping potatoes and onions

Greg made Luca and Leo each a learning tower, which we are very excited about. Because Luca sure throws a fit if he can't see what's going on up on the counter, and we're sick of holding him!


  1. So exciting! I love the toddler years. Are you on Pinterest? There is a WEALTH of ideas on there for toddler enrichment activities. 2 of my friends who live in equally cold, snowy places to me have kept their toddler completely entertained for entire winters from Pinterest-inspired activities, LOL.

  2. I love how Luca carefully tries to put the onion skin back on the onion.
