Tuesday, May 24, 2011

27 weeks

I will be 27 weeks tomorrow! Only one week left of my second trimester. So far it's been a good thing that this era is coming to an end... because THE STABBING PAIN IS DECREASING!! Oh yes, that lovely stabbing pain I've had my whole trimester, brought on by mere sips of water in my super-compressed stomach.... I think it's because my belly is coming out more so he is hanging out more, and giving all my organs more room. I'm also discovering that at least one nap a day greatly increases my energy during waking hours... I think because my sleep at night is not so great. Nothing horrible, just not so great. I have a new need every ten minutes... something to eat? a whole bunch of water? stand up? walk around? lay on left side? do some yoga? I have been eating cream of wheat a lot lately... that and fruit is all I really want to eat. And whatever I can put butter on. If I don't drink water CONSTANTLY, I have really strong Braxton Hicks contractions.

26 weeks

our old haunt

It was nice for us to visit Charleston this past weekend... we walked around a lot fantasizing about how fun it would be to raise a kid in the Holy City. You know, if we were millionaires. I think if we ever won the lottery the first thing we would do is buy 27 Coming St. Ash spent the weekend working on the new Run Dan Run album, and I spent it doing whatever I wanted! Which meant mostly eating at my favorite restaurant in the world, taking some really pretty walks, taking some really long naps, reading some interesting books... I bought a really cool 1873 map of Charleston. Every single house and building is drawn on there... and besides the train stations, I'd say 90% of it is still there today.


I also bought a book I have seen recommended by Montessori, "Architecture Colors". It's pictured here with the other books I bought this week... it's hard to find books about native americans that aren't either horribly watered down or racist, so I snagged this one. The book "Ferdinand" is actually propaganda for hippies (it's about a bull who refuses to be a fighter and spends his time smelling flowers instead), and is full of gorgeous hand-drawn illustrations. Then there's a children's book about Duke Ellington (we listen to a lot of Duke!) and in every illustration you can see the music flowing through the air...


My in-laws got me this SWANKY new car seat!! It's a Britax Boulevard 70, and it's the kind that fits your kid from 5 pounds up to... whenever they graduate from car seats. You can also keep them in the rear-facing position for a REALLY long time in this seat, which is another reason I wanted it. You should watch crash tests of front vs. rear facing car seats... there is no contest.


And saving the best for last... LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE POTTY!! I got it at The Red Hen for $24. SCORE!!



  1. omg! That potty reminds me of the toilets in this Gnomes book my mom has that I grew up looking at all the time. Such a cool little potty!

  2. Ferdinand was possibly my favorite book as a small person. And my sister had The Mitten and several other books by the same person that were beloved. It's so cool to see that they are still read!

  3. Hooray for books! I actually have a copy of that mitten book in paperback, but I wanted it in board book form so I could read it to him when he was little and not worry about it being destroyed.
