Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life Downtown

Well, he pooped blood after I ate those gluten free oats. So that's a "no" to oats. I'm so sad I won't be introducing solids soon... I so looked forward to it. But if he can't even handle traces of food proteins in breast milk, there's no telling what would happen with actual food.

Luca had his 6 month growth spurt, early, last week. He nursed so much, I thought my milk supply was dropping. But then he started sleeping really hard, and I knew he was just increasing my supply by keeping me empty like that... so he could grow. He outgrew all his socks!! I had to get a pair marked "size 2-3 years" to fit him.

Turns out Ash is also loosing weight! We are both at all time lows. I thought it was just breastfeeding, but it must be that wheat and dairy were making up a huge amount of our diet.

I have started night time ECing. I wasn't doing it before because he was holding his poop, but now that he poops every day, I can trust his poop signs. It's so easy: baby wakes, offer breast. If he doesn't want it (or finishes and still cries/squirms), offer potty. He usually pees at 8pm, 1am and 6am... and it has gotten rid of all that ridiculous squirming all night long, so we are both sleeping more deeply. He even stays dry in between those pee breaks!! He will be night potty trained before he turns a year old at this rate (he already stays dry during naps). He still only sleeps 3-4 hours at the longest... but I think I've given up hope of anything better.

It's amazing how differently people treat you when you become a parent. Definitely... better. With more respect, empathy, and kindness.

Luca is SO GOOD with his hands. He is nowhere near sitting up yet, and rolling over is still really hard but... his hands are no big deal. I held up a single pine needle at the park yesterday, and he grabbed it no problem. He has been passing things from one hand to the other for a couple weeks now. He just picked up a bar of soap and squeezed it and grunted at it... he rarely puts things in his mouth, he just wants to feel them and look at them.

Living downtown is so convenient. It's nice to be minutes from EVERYTHING! Duke Gardens feels like our backyard. Ninth street is our playground. Whole Foods is our pantry. The library is... our library! And Danielle, Greg, and Leo are practically our neighbors. It feels secure being close enough to Ash's job and the grocery store that if we lost use of my parent's third car, we'd be alright. Or if gas suddenly became $5 ($7? $10?) per gallon.

duke gardens

duke gardens

park with friends

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