Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

Here is what it is like to be 4-5 weeks pregnant:

Wake up.
Eat tons of food or else DIE.
Go back to sleep.
Wake up.
Eat tons of food or else DIE.
Feel good for 2-3 hours.
Feel like you have the flu for 2-3 hours.
Go back to sleep.

I am not really looking forward to starting work again next week. But I guess people all over the world are doing a lot more in a worse state then I am in!! So I will suck it up and see how it goes. Everyone keeps telling me that my symptoms will disappear and be replaced with new ones. Oh joy!! Haha, anything for you, little Gene Swarm.

My sister went to Goodwill and got some more gender neutral baby things. I am due in early September, which means she will have to miss school if she wants to be at the birth, but she says she doesn't want to miss it. She will be a 4 hour drive away, but I will probably give her plenty of time to get here.

Photo 602

Photo 601

I think Ash really wants to know the gender as soon as possible (maybe we will save keeping the gender a surprise for the next baby?), but I want to keep it a secret from everyone else. I really, really don't want a bunch of overly-gendered stuff that I don't want (why would you put soccer balls on a little boy's onsie?? He could grow up to hate sports. Why would you put "princess" on a girl's onsie?? Maybe she will idealize Anne of Green Gables more than Jasmine or Belle). Everyone says they want their kids to be individuals, but it seems to me that labeling them before they can voice an objection reveals that you're overly hopeful for one trait or another...

I'm prioritizing onsies and dress-like-garments because I want to try Elimination Communication, and it's way easier to do that if you have quick access to the baby's tushy. I always wondered what people did in places where the concept of a "diaper" or "laundry" do not exist. Apparently, they can tell when their baby is about to go and they just bring them to a place where it's appropriate for them to do their business. By the time they can crawl they just take themselves to that designated location. Some other groups have techniques that more closely resemble diapers, like filling your sling with grass.

Whenever my sister comes home for the holidays, you know she is going to either break out the home movies or the photo albums:

My older brother Frankie and I:
frankie and I

Mom nursing my sister and me nursing my doll:
alyssa nursing, mom, me nursing my doll

My dad sleeping with my little sister (the one who bought me baby clothes) and one of my little brothers:
alyssa, dad, jonathon

It still blows my mind every second of the day that we are going to be parents.

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