Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Norwegian Lion

We laid down for a nap at 1:15, and woke up just past 3pm. WOW!! So that's what a real nap feels like.

My baby thinks he's a lion. He roars and growls and grrrs. I guess he is a Leo!

He chose his first repetitive noise to be a strange consonant and a vowel. It sounds like "yayayayaya". As Uncle Quinten put it, he's trying to be Norwegian! In which case, I spelt it wrong ("jajajajaja").

His bottom two teeth are coming in at the same time. They seem to be already through, but they are really hurting him. It almost makes me suspicious that there must be a third tooth somewhere. An ice cube in a wash cloth provided temporary relief last night, but he still didn't get to sleep until almost 9 because he was so sad. It's funny how much easier it is to deal with a crying baby when you know why they are crying. Teething is no big deal compared to the nights I spent pacing the floor and wondering why he was in so much pain!

His clothes are starting to look baggy on him! He's getting so long and lean.

He really loves his new stroller. It's fun to walk around the neighborhood with it, I can tell it's going to be nice for daily use in the summertime, when baby wearing gets a bit warm. But for being out and about and running errands, nothing beats the carrier. I can't imagine walking into shops, perusing the museum, or deciding to explore a random garden or trail while lugging a big stroller around!

baby wearing

new stroller

1 comment:

  1. he is getting to be so so so cute! I love his smiley face
