Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I got an ultrasound appointment!! April 1st. That's next Friday!! I will be 18 weeks next week so they should have no problem telling us what the sex is (unless baby decides to cross their legs oh-so-modestly).

It hurts where my stomach is. Not like a stomach ache, but like the muscle next to the skin right at the bottom of my ribcage (either my diaphragm or my upper abs) just hurts hurts hurts. It is often accompanied by middle back aching. I also get a lot of ab and round ligament pain after picking up the 14 month old (she is over 25 lbs). I'm going to have to start picking her up a lot less, which a 14 month old is going to have a hard time understanding. Especially a 14 month old who can't talk to express what it is she wants, exactly (sometimes she wants to be picked up because she is scared, sometimes because she can't see the source of a sound and is curious, and sometimes because she wants to point to something she needs). I also have to pick her up now and then for safety (she is trying to go up the stairs too fast, there is a car coming, etc). Remind me to have my next baby before my first one gets this big!!

My mom and I went to weigh and sort bulk foods for our food coop this morning. A very social 8-year-old girl there offered to teach me sign language! So I learned a bunch of signs this morning. The word "like" (as in "I like bananas") looks like you are pinching and stretching out your nipple.... so weird. But I'm excited to teach my baby sign language so we can communicate early on. Apparently there are some baby signing books/DVDs that aren't actual American Sign Language!! So you have to be careful what you buy. I think I would be better off just learning it online off of ASL websites.


  1. The pain you're describing is called "round ligament" pain and can definitely be worsened by picking up a toddler repetitively!

    About the only things I found helpful for it were warm baths and using lotion to gently massage the areas that are tender.

  2. Ash has been so good about massaging me! His mom sent me some Burt's Bees "Belly Balm" (mostly olive oil and beeswax), and that massaged into my belly and back after a shower is HEAVEN!

    The 14 month does get frustrated when I don't pick her up, but she is still young enough that a little redirection works fine. Her parents brought the diaper bag downstairs so I can just change her on the kitchen floor! Much easier.
