Sunday, March 6, 2011

First stages of nesting?

I'm still waiting to hear back from my midwife, I'm supposed to be getting an ultrasound appointment for the end of the month, to find out the gender.

My belly continues to pop out at an ANNOYINGLY SLOW rate. I can't tell if the pinching feelings I get in my lower abdomen are the baby moving and hitting my little cyst on my ovary, or something not as interesting. My bladder is teeny tiny and wakes me up several times per night (sometimes multiple times an hour). I also wake up often to drink a ton of water. I'm really scared that my belly isn't popping out because something is wrong with the baby... I'm a paranoid mom already!!! I wish I had a fetascope so I could hear the heartbeat every morning and put my mind at ease. But when I look at my belly two weeks ago, and then look at it this week, I think you can tell that I'm growing?


I am now 129 lbs which means I have gained 4 lbs since getting pregnant. Not bad for 14 weeks along! Actually, pretty much perfect. It's really hard to eat enough, and especially to eat enough protein, but gaining weight seems to be easy. I'm really looking forward to spring and summer, all of my favorite foods are in season and I will be spending most of my time outdoors.

In the meantime I have started doing a bit of baby prep.... I tie dyed a bunch of onesies! It occurred to me while dying them that I had NO IDEA what the dyes were made of, but I guess if I wash it several times before the baby wears it, it should be fine. The yellow one I gave to my dad, because his friend at work just had a baby. The ones with the green background were that green color originally, the rest were white originally. I bought some more 99 cent plain white ones to dye this weekend but it's pouring outside so it will have to wait.


I also started converting my mom's dining room into a baby play room, which means putting all of my sewing stuff into it first. I just pushed the dining room table against the wall and bought those shelves from Target. It's nice to see all of my supplies organized and easy to find, and my fabric collection starting to build! I'm going to make some bibs and diapers today.



  1. Those pinches are probably round ligament pain from your growing belly. And I assure you, your belly IS growing. A lot of first time moms have bellies that seem to take FOREVER to get big/pop. Compared to a lot of the belly pictures I've seen from people around 14 weeks, yours looks perfectly normal!

  2. Thanks Melanie. I just googled "round ligament pain" and that sounds exactly like what I have.

  3. you definitely look like you're growing! it's cool that your mom is letting you convert her dining room into a baby room
