Wednesday, May 2, 2012


For the past three days, I have been taking herbs for anxiety, depression, and stress. It's already making a HUGE difference, and I can't believe I didn't think of this before! Valerian is forcing me to sleep peacefully each night, rather than fighting off panic attacks and 2am sob sessions. Rhodiola rosea and ashwaganda are bringing me out of that daily, dark cloud that has hung over me since he was born.

 Man, post partum depression is no joke. I feel kind of mad at my body, or my genetics, or whatever it was that had such a bad reaction to all these mommy hormones. I feel like it stole those first few months of my sons life from me, which were supposed to be happy. But at the same time, Buddhist readings prompt me to open my heart, and have compassion for myself as I go through this ordinary human trial. I breath in all the pain and suffering of all mothers everywhere, and I exhale peace for myself and them.

 This morning we went to the GI specialist. They don't think there is anything to worry about, he just is sensitive to something and probably has reflux. I'm going to research herbal stuff for babies, I bet he can have the same stuff I took when I was pregnant.

 We took Luca to the Museum of Life and Science for the first time today. Of course, I forgot my camera! But I took a picture on my phone of him crawling on the tornado-maker. He had so much fun. It was such a lovely day.

 What little hair he has is starting to CURL!!!

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