Wednesday, August 3, 2011

37 weeks

The home visit went well... it was Jane and Ashley who came over. I think we decided to try and have the birthing pool set up upstairs, in our own bedroom or bathroom. We had a moment the other night, where I was having regular pressure waves and we were lying in bed together trying to (and successfully) get them to calm down, and we had music on and soft lights and we were all alone... it was perfect and just how we want our birth to be. So they will give us the pool ahead of time, so I can set it up and be in it during early labor if I want to (or just set it up to make sure it fits!). I think that having the birthing space upstairs will really help us feel good about the whole thing, since that is our space and we will feel comfortable giving commands and taking charge of who is in the room and when. I think my sister and mom will be surprised at how boring it is for them :) It's hours of not much to watch and then... a whole lot at once! I'm sure I will think of jobs for them to do when the time comes, but for now I'm happy with the image in my head of just Ash and I in our bedroom alone, with people coming in as we need them.

My ribs have decided to start expanding all at once... or something. It hurts like crazy! I took a nice hot bath and it helped a bit.

We made homemade pizza tonight!! Yum. Going to eat some more now...

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